Friday, May 15, 2015

My 20 time

What i have done for my 20 time is that i have been creating Photoshop effects through online tutorials.  The obstacles that i have been facing is that i just don't have a lot of time to work on my 20 time. I can wrap up this project by doing a few more effects in Photoshop. Here is one of the effects i have been working on.

20 Time Gross Point

The 20 time that i read about was from Patrick W and his 20 time was building the quad copter drone and programming it.  The Progress that he made was that he was able to start the process of learning how to fly a drone.  The problems that Patrick had on his 20 Time was that flying the drone was more difficult than he believed and he has crashed the drone several times.  In one of the crashes he damage the drone and had to fix the part.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My 20 Time

So for my 20 time I am working on learning how to work Photoshop better through online tutorials and video tutorials.  I have made little head way when working on my 20 time due to last Friday when i was working on the Eaton Rapids Tour project.  Though i did make some nice age progression pictures for the project.  The only trouble i have run into is how to download a brush of the internet needed to finish a tutorial.

20 Time Gross Point

The person that i have been following for 20 time is Patrick W and what he has decided to do was to build a quad copter drone. He has not post anything since the last time that i checked up on his progress but i am assuming that he is working on piloting his quad copter and flying it since it is not easy to fly a drone.  The only problem he had was making sure that he had built the drone correctly, which he had to get help on from professionals.