Friday, January 30, 2015

My20 Time Project

The Project that I want to do is to make a movie about what Lifeguards do on the pool deck, when no one else is around.  The Goal of the project is to create a creative, funny film in which people will enjoy watching.  The skills that I want to gain from doing this is to be better at planning out things, improve editing skills in the movie, and work at improving the sound quality in movies.  The only obstacles that we have had to deal with is that of getting time at the pool to do the movie because right now it is really busy at the pool.  The Final product that i plan to present to the class is either the movie or present the Trailer.

Gross Point South Blog Response

The 20 Time project that I have been following was created by Patrick W and what he is doing is constructing a Quad copter drone.  The progress that he had made is that he has constructed the frame of the drone and has wired the motors to the main control center.  Patrick is now working to construct the control center which is the part that distributes the power between the four motors so that it can make the drone go left, right, up and down.  The only problems that he has encounter is that the batteries used to power the quad copter is made out of lithium which are really unstable batteries that are sensitive to heat which can lead to problems for the drone.  Also new FFA Laws have been placed on drones that are not restricting them from flying above 400 ft.  This 20 time compares to my interest because I enjoy hearing about ways in which things are being constructed  and the new things that drones are doing everyday in our society from helping police officers do there job, to having fun with them in the park.  


Monday, January 26, 2015

Star Wars Vs Star Trek Survey

 In the survey I chose to see whether people like Star Wars or Star Trek more.  According to the result 26 people liked star wars compared to that of Star Trek that had only four people.  The reason the results were like this is because Star Wars is more modern than Star Trek.  Also most younger people have only watched Star War than Star Trek.    What this means for the future is that the New Star wars movie coming out is going to have a lot of Fans that will watch it, while people will slowly forget about Star Trek.